Embracing The Messy Middle

To the ones who are in the messy middle of something, this is for you.

Maybe you’re amidst stuckness, or overwhelm, or being strung out and at your wit's end.

Don’t worry, it won’t stay this way forever.

Are you the person with a gnawing feeling in your gut that there’s more to life than just this and can’t stomach the thought that this is all your life will amount to?

Ouf. That’s the ache of unfulfilled potential.

Or the person who is so frazzled and spinning that you can’t even see what it is that will bring you closer to that peaceful feeling you crave?

Zing. That’s the pang of a hyper-aroused nervous system.

Or are you the one who suddenly sees the world through new eyes and can’t unsee these new truths? And nothing in life seems to fit anymore?

Gong. That’s the tone of realizing there’s no going back to the old ways and you might be amidst a spiritual uplevelling.

It’s in these moments of unravelling that the most profound learning occurs.

Embrace your messy middle, give yourself permission to make mistakes, and most importantly, remind yourself how absolutely amazing you are doing amidst it all.

The only thing we can always 100% count on is that things change.

So, allow yourself to snuggle up to this nugget of certainty (as uncertain as it is) and trust that whatever is happening right now will change.

You got this.

If you’re craving some support as you navigate your messy middle, I have several ways we could work together. Set up a call if you want to explore the options.

What comes up for you, when you’re encouraged to embrace the messy middle?

Perpetually curious,


Between Breath & Air is Coming Soon


I want to, so why do I stop myself?