Hate not knowing how things will work out? I got you.

Do you struggle with not knowing how things will work out?

Do you find yourself reaching to control whatever you can amidst this change?

You’re not alone in feeling that way.

Thanks to the work of Positive Intelligence, I sometimes look at how the brain is processing challenges through this simple lens: The brain is divided into two parts: Sage and Saboteurs.

According to this work, one part of the brain is controlled by Saboteurs. They try to convince me that everything is to be feared and that I must control situations in order to create safety. There’s a whole cast of nasty characters to get to know. 

Another part of the brain is influenced by my Sage who trusts that everything will work out for the best and knows how to feel safe by developing the ability to see opportunities in every challenge. 

Saboteurs say things like:  
“If you work hard enough, you can control life’s outcomes and circumstances enough so that you and your loved ones will be happy and safe.”

But life is ultimately uncontrollable.  Trying to control everything creates persistent stress because unwanted outcomes happen constantly.

Your Sage would say: 
“I CAN’T control the direction of the wind and the waves, but I CAN learn to become an awesome surfer. “

The Sage Perspective says:  
Do your very best to achieve whatever outcome you want to achieve.  
BUT, if things don’t go your way, how can you then surf that wave rather than feel crushed by it?  
How can you practice converting any unexpected or undesired outcome into a gift? 

As you become a better surfer, you actually realize that it isn’t necessarily “bad” that things don’t always go your way, just as waves changing direction is not bad.  The game of life is far more interesting that way.  Surfing the uncontrollable waves of life grows your Sage strength and enables all the benefits of a powerful Sage.

Pretty cool, hey?

Are you inspired to learn more about getting out of fear and overwhelm and becoming a better surfer of life’s inevitable waves?

I’m looking to launch a new cohort of Positive Intelligence participants in the new year. 

You can learn more about the program here.

One of my past clients said this about the Positive Intelligence and coaching work we did together 👇🏻 :

“It's helped me with ALL my relationships, whether it's kids, partner, work—because it explained SO much. And it's made me willing to actually understand why I am how I am and why I do things a certain way.”

And if you have any questions, hit reply or book a Clarity Call with me to get more info.

Looking forward to surfing with you soon.



I want to, so why do I stop myself?


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