Thriving Through Life's Challenges: Strategies for Resilience with Positive Intelligence®

Do you often find yourself grappling with uncertainty, desperately seeking control amidst the ebb and flow of change? If so, you're far from alone in this struggle. Drawing insights from the Positive Intelligence® school of thought, let's explore how the brain processes challenges through a unique lens, a division between the Sage and the Saboteurs.

Positive Intelligence® introduces the concept of the brain in two parts: the Saboteurs-controlled segment and the Sage-influenced aspect. Saboteurs attempt to foster fear, urging the need for control to ensure safety. This internal cast of characters can be quite relentless. On the other hand, the Sage embodies trust that life will find its way, skillfully identifying opportunities within every challenge.

Saboteurs often proclaim, "If you work hard enough, you can orchestrate life's outcomes, guaranteeing happiness and security." However, life inherently possesses an uncontrollable nature, and the relentless pursuit of control leads to chronic stress as unexpected outcomes continually unfold.

The Sage perspective offers an alternative approach: Acknowledge the inability to control life's directions, akin to not controlling the wind and waves, but focus on becoming an adept surfer. Strive earnestly for desired outcomes, yet be prepared to ride the wave when things don't align as anticipated. The essence lies in converting unforeseen situations into opportunities.

Embracing the role of a skilled surfer reveals that circumstances not going as planned aren't inherently "bad." Just as waves change direction, life's unpredictability adds richness to the game. Riding these uncontrollable waves cultivates your Sage strength, unlocking the benefits of an empowered Sage mindset.

Isn't that a fascinating perspective? Are you now curious to delve deeper, shedding fear and overwhelm, and honing your skill as a life wave-rider? Exciting news awaits, as I'm gearing up to launch a new Positive Intelligence® cohort in the upcoming months. To learn more about this transformative 6-week program, visit my website.

If you're intrigued or have queries, feel free to contact me.

Get ready to ride life's waves together.


Focus on the Good: Managing Overwhelm Using Positive Sensations


Small Steps, Big Impact